Our Trustworthy Guide
Jamie Azzoparde
I once heard of a downtown congregation that had an undesirable business move in across the street. This new establishment advertised pictures and paraphernalia that enticed people to sin and ultimately worked against the congregation’s efforts. At a loss as to what could be done, the church turned to God in prayer and asked for His intervention. Aware of the church’s prayer and dissatisfaction, the owner scoffed at their efforts until one day lightning struck his building and it burned to the ground. Without proper insurance, the owner sued the church for damages, yet the congregation denied their role and said they could not be liable for an act of nature. The judge keenly observed the strong faith displayed by the business owner as opposed to the lack of faith the praying Christians had.
This story reminds us how poorly we sometimes display our faith in God’s power. When many first become Christians, their eyes are opened to the splendor and majesty of God. We see God’s hand at work in the complex and in the simple, recognizing miracles all around. From the miracle of childbirth to the marvel of the universe, we see God’s fingerprints everywhere. Sadly, as time passes, some begin to lose that marvel and wonder. Our unwavering trust in God is beaten, battered, and weakened to the point where we sometimes even wrestle with why we pray at all if God does not answer the way we want Him to.
God desires us to keep unwavering faith and trust in His goodness front and center all the days of our life. David knew the God he fought for when he stood up to Goliath when no one else would. David walked with God throughout his lifetime, and (although he slipped at certain points) he trusted God to the end.
Trusting God through life’s journey is not always easy, especially when unfamiliar territory is ahead. Abraham’s journey is another example of the trust God looks for from His servants. I learned of these stories and many more as I dove into scripture some 25 years ago.
In the spring of 1997, I was approached by Geoff Ellis, who was promoting full-time study through GLBC. While I wanted to know God more, I certainly had not considered full-time Bible study. I had just started a solid new job and was serious in my relationship with Bianca and anticipating married life together. Geoff read a passage to me, and God pricked my heart that day. The passage was 2 Thessalonians 1:11 “…we always pray for you that our God will make you worthy of his calling, and by his power fulfill your every desire to do good and your work produced by faith, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified by you."
In my youthful trust in God, I quit my job, sold my car, took out my RRSPs, and turned to full-time study at GLBC in Sept 1997. Looking back, I see that God did fulfill my desire to do good and the work I set out to do for Him. I never intended full-time ministry, but God had a different plan, and I learned to trust what He sets in my way. Although I do not know what tomorrow may bring or where He will lead us, I have faith in His goodness, and I entrust my life into His care. GLBC offers a unique experience and will help any student build a stronger faith and trust in the King. I share my story with hope that others will be inspired to step out in faith and ask God to fulfill your good purpose, to know him more, to grow your gifts for service, and to equip you for the spiritual battle at hand where many giants challenge!
Jamie Azzoparde currently serves as an evangelist with the Waterloo church of Christ in Waterloo, Ontario. He and his wife, Bianca have three children together. Jamie also sits on the GLBC Board of Trustees.
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