When it comes to funding, GLBC delivers excellent value considering the number of students we are able to serve across Canada and beyond. When you decide to share God's monetary blessing with the school, our target is to fund for today, and invest for the future.
General Fund
Donations to our General Fund are used to support operational costs such as online and library services and salaries, but funds may also be directed to long term investments that will continue to provide for the school into the future.
Great Lakes Bible College Sponsorship Fund
The Great Lakes Bible College Sponsorship Fund is developed to allow students to attend courses, where funding is a barrier. Donations to this fund are internally restricted—the intention is to use interest from long term investments to fund student needs, but principal monies may be accessed if required. Student funding may include tuition, books, and living expenses.
The GLBC Sponsorship Fund came into being in 2022 through allocations from the following supporters: Hibbard Family, G Bailey Family, J Dawson Family, Fleming Family.
Bible Teacher Fund
Our Bible Teachers are so much more! They are also mentors, preachers, librarians and counsellors to name a few other "hats" that they wear. They are active in the congregations where they attend and visit; donations to this fund ensure that they can continue to spend their time in these good works.
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